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A LinkedIn QR Code is a mechanism that takes users who scan the QR code to a certain LinkedIn profile URL, enabling them to browse or connect with a particular LinkedIn profile on the social media site for connecting and job searching.
It is a simpler way to share your contact details and LinkedIn profile, your LinkedIn profile QR code will immediately take anyone who scans it with a mobile device to your profile. You can create multiple QR codes that takes people to your personal profile, business's linked in page or a LinkedIn job advert.
The QRzing LinkedIn QR code generator makes it easy to create a QR code in seconds with only four simple steps ...
In the QR code generator above, select the type of QR code you wish to generate. In this case we are going to create a LinkedIn QR Code.
From your browser, copy the URL of your LinkedIn profile (it will look something like: https://linkedin.com/in/your_name) and paste it into the QR code generator.
Dynamic QR codes have several advantages over traditional 'static' QR codes - the shared information can be changed or updated at a later date, the finished QR code is typically much smaller, prettier and easier to scan, and every time a dynamic QR code is scanned you can see where, when and on what device it was scanned with our scan analytics.
Dynamic QR codes are FREE with QRzing.com - just sign up for our free 'Starter' account. Sign up for free dynamic QR codes here!
If you'd like your QR code to be Dynamic, simply move the 'Make you QR code Dynamic?' switch to 'Yes'.
Please note: QR code analytics and the editing of dynamic QR codes requires a paid 'QRzing Professional' account. To make your QR code 'future-proof' we suggest you use our free dynamic codes for everything and just upgrade you account to professional if you need to later.
Finally, press the ‘Create QR code’ button and your QR code will be generated for you. Now you can test your newly created QR code by scanning it with your phone to ensure it works correctly.
Your QR Code is now available for download in the necessary PNG, JPG, PDF or EPS format.
Use your LinkedIn QR code wherever you would like someone to see your LinkedIn profile so on your business cards and resume or CV.
No, the LinkedIn QR code will take the user to your profile page on the LinkedIn website, if they do not have an internet connection they will not be able to access the LinkedIn website.
If this is a concern, you could always use a 'vCard' QR code. This type of QR code encode your contact details directly into the QR code so that they can be accessed without an internet connection.
Yes, but only if you selected the 'Make my QR dynamic?' option when you created it.
Dynamic QR codes are FREE with QRzing.com - just sign up for our free 'Starter' account. Sign up for free dynamic QR codes here!
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