Wi-Fi QR code generator: Create free Wi-Fi QR codes at QRzing.com
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Wi-Fi QR code generator

Easily share your Wi-Fi network details with a Wi-Fi QR code

Dynamic QR codes are FREE with our free 'Starter' account

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What type of QR code do you want to create?


Enter the details you wish to share

The website URL to share:

A website URL (address) is required. It must be a valid URL including http:// or https://

Network Type:

The message to send:

This field is required.

The message to share:

This field is required.

The Plain Text to share:

Some text content is required.

This QR code type requires a FREE account.

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[Hint: Future-proof your QR codes for FREE ... make them dynamic. If you need to edit your dynamic QR codes later, simply upgrade to Professional then.]  more 

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Dynamic QR codes are FREE forever with our a free 'Starter' account.
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Why should I use a Wi-Fi QR code?

Wi-Fi QR codes are the quickest and easiest way to share Wi-Fi network details, and with just a quick hover over the QR code with a smartphone camera, your customers can instantly connect to your network. This cuts out the age old struggle of constantly reminding customers of the password and all its upper case letters and symbols.

Wi-Fi QR codes can be made useful in a range of settings from restaurants, bars and other workplaces or simply at home.

How to create a Wi-Fi QR code?

The QRzing Wi-Fi QR code generator makes it easy to get your QR code up and running within seconds and only three simple steps ...

1. Choose the 'Wi-Fi' QR code type

In the QR code generator above, select the type of QR code you wish to generate. In this case we are going to create a Wi-Fi QR Code.

2. Enter your Wi-Fi Networks Details

Enter the Wi-Fi network’s name (SSID), the Wi-Fi network encryption type (this can be WPA, WEP or none) and the Wi-Fi password. All this information should be easily accessible and written on the back of your Wi-Fi router.

3. Press the ‘Create QR code’ button

Press the ‘Create QR code’ button and test your newly created Wi-Fi QR code. After you are happy that your QR code works, you are now ready to download it and use however you please!

Please note: If you choose to sign up to our free ‘Starter’ package (no credit card needed), you’ll be able to easily save, share and access your QR codes at any time.

Wi-Fi QR code FAQs:

Where should I display my QR Code?

Depending on what type of business you run, you might feel it is easier to display your Wi-Fi QR code in different places. For example: If you were the owner of a bar or restaurant, you may want to print out and display the QR code somewhere visible and easy to access however, if it was the case that you only wanted your customers to be able to join the network, you may want to put it on a card that is only given to them with their order.

Can I use a Wi-Fi QR code without an internet connection?

Yes, all Wi-Fi QR codes are static (more information on the home page) which means that they can be used without an internet connection. This means that a device does not have to be on another network or be using data to connect to your network, due to the fact that all of the information for the Wi-Fi network is already held in the QR code itself.

How do Wi-Fi QR codes work?

The Wi-Fi network name (SSID), the Wi-Fi encryption type, and the password are all encoded into the QR code. The device trying to connect to the internet then scans this information and is able to join the Wi-Fi network.

Are Wi-Fi QR codes secure?

Wi-Fi QR codes are designed to easily share network information, and so anyone with a smart device who is able to see the Wi-Fi QR code is therefore able to access the Wi-Fi network. It is for this reason that we recommend to only let people you are happy to connect to your network do so, to keep your connection as secure as possible.

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